Today my fabulous colleagues stayed after school for a clay session. We made clay fish using slabs and templates. The sixth grade does this project in the spring. Allow three 40+ minute sessions for this lesson.
Day 1: Select template. Roll slab and cut fish. Wrap in wet paper towels and store in gallon Ziploc bag
Day 2: Add details and texture.
Allow to dry. Bisque fire…..then
Day 3: Glaze.
Texture tools include pencils, marker caps, glue caps and tips, and carved rubber stamps
- Done! Artist added fin, and stamped name in tail using letter stamps.
- Fish were allowed to dry 10 days, then bisque fired, glazed and fired again.

where did you get the template for the fish?
Hi Rashad
I made them myself. The easiest way to find fish templates is go to and put ‘fish template’ in the search box.
Good luck!