Armed with camera-equipped iPads and iPods, our fourth graders spread out in our school garden in search of alphabet letters. Each student was assigned a letter to photograph.

Letter O
It was interesting to see how they completed the assignment: some students found letters in the branches of trees, some created letters from stones and twigs. Some poured water on the pavement to draw their letter. If they were absolutely stumped (get it?) , I let them use a letter from the garden signs. I asked students to take 5-10 photos of their letter.
I am happy to report the fourth graders LOVED looking for letters. They were completely engaged, and helped each other. I heard a lot of shouts of “I found a T! Who has T?”
This week, students used their devices and the Pic Collage app to turn their best photos into a photo collage. I asked them to zoom in so that we could really see the letter – aim for making a letter so clear a kindergartener could recognize it. They emailed me their files and we reviewed them as a class.
Great work fourth graders!
Our fourth graders are in a pilot 1:1 iPad program, and it is a huge success. The goal is to turn all the photos into a free digital book downloadable through Apple’s iBooks store.
Inspiration for this project came from
UPDATE: see the completed whole-alphabet collages in this post.

What a great idea! I’m going to have my boys do this when they get older. Stopping by from SITS sharefest.
Kacey recently posted..Help For the Hurried Home
What a fabulous project. Want to do it myself. A pilot program making art with ipods and ipads…that is so cool. Love how they helped each other out. Looks like you have lots of great posts. I look forward to reading more.
PhotogCynthia recently posted..So You Think You Can Dance Begins Again Tonight.
Hi Cynthia – I absolutely love your blog! I downloaded your ‘How Did I Do That?’ iPhonography eBook and installed Phonto on my iPhone this morning. So easy to use! I will be trying out a couple more of your free app suggestions soon (our district can only use free apps on our devices). I will definitely link back to your ebook when the alphabet photography project is complete.