I just came back from a week in Paris. It was wonderful to visit all the museums and see in person the artworks we teach our students (oh yeah, the food was awesome, too).
But Paris has a very different kind of art as well. Many streets are covered with a wide variety of graffiti, or ‘street art’. This initially came as a shock to me, an American tourist, as I had a pre-conceived notion of Paris as a tidy, historic city. Well, take a look at the latest Paris art, photographed in June, 2012.
These photos were taken on the Rue Amelot in the 11th arrondissement and in the St. Germain de Pres.
On the one hand it saddens me to see public property defaced. On the other hand, it is exciting to be surrounded by contemporary art everywhere you turn. I took a ton of photos and will share more in the next post.