Are you looking for a fun collage project for kindergarten? This newspaper city collage project engages students with a discussion about their city, then lets them use their cutting, gluing, coloring and painting skills.
When asked, “What do you see in a city?” kindergarteners named all sorts of things: houses, roads, tall apartment buildings, garages, and even boats in San Diego harbor. One girl talked about her recent trip to the city hospital, another about what she saw on vacation in New York City.
- black construction paper
- newspaper
- scissors
- glue stick
- construction paper crayons, plus black crayon
- watercolor set
Day 1: Cut and glue newspapers. Emphasize shape: squares, circles, triangles, rectangles etc. Add details with crayon.
Day 2: Paint with watercolor.

Kindergarteners make cut paper city collages from newspaper, then color with crayon and watercolor. Allow two 40-minute classes.
Aren’t they wonderful?
As much as the kinders enjoyed the project, I would do things a little differently next time:
- Use smaller black construction paper . Students had difficulty filling the 12″x18″ paper we used within the class time frame. So this class took three 40 minute classes – I want to shorten it to two.
- Skip the front page of the newspaper! It took extra time to eliminate inappropriate ads and articles. Next time I will try the white pages of a phone book, classified ads or financial/stock listings.
This lesson was inspired by this lesson by CCE Art Happenings.
Do you have a favorite collage project for kindergarten?