Last year I did 11 super-successful art projects with the kindergarteners. It feels so good when every kid in the class is happy with their artwork!
Here are the best projects of the year for Kindergarten – our greatest hits of 2012-13 – organized by season.
- ‘Secret’ Rainbow Fish plus book The Rainbow Fish
by Marcus Pfister
- Kindergarten Clay Handprints (these are our holiday gifts to parents)
- Kandinsky Circles Mural group art project
- Kindergarten Stick Puppets
- Tear Monsters
- Symmetric Butterflies
- Marker painted chameleons (lesson plan simplified for kinder)
- ‘Tie-Dye Dragonfly‘
- Matisse Vase of Flowers (one-day project/last day of art)
I did the following projects from my favorite art education blogs. I highly recommend:
- Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! plus book There’s a Wocket in My Pocket by Dr. Seuss (from Teach Kids Art blog). March
- Elmer Day Parade plus book Elmer
(lesson plan purchase from Deep Space Sparkle). Spring
Note which season we completed the art projects. Kindergarteners develop so much during the school year. I would never do my spring projects the first weeks of school! Most kids just aren’t ready yet. Be patient – they will be by late spring.
Have a great school year!