- I inherited a ton of old School Arts and Arts and Activities magazines from a retired art teacher. Here is an ad for Polytemps semi-moist cake tempera from Arts and Activities magazine, March 1969. (Click photo for larger image)
Before discovering Polytemps, our young art teacher is struggling with a teetering tower of paint jars. What a dedicated teacher – she’s going to get that paint ready for class EVEN IF IT KILLS HER. Her glasses slip from her nose, but she doesn’t have a free hand to push them back up. Her back aches from carrying all those bottles. Her hair is a total mess because she had to start prep before dawn, and couldn’t spare a moment to brush it. Or maybe she is so depressed from her huge workload she has stopped caring about her appearance.
Polytemps to the rescue! After discovering Polytemps, our art teacher is indeed a new woman. The paint sets are so light, she can easily carry enough for class while dancing between the tables. The prep is so quick, she has time for a hair appointment before class. And she has ditched the glasses. Thanks to Polytemps, her vision has been restored! It’s a miracle!