Our kindergarteners just finished a fun paper cookie collage project. We used real cookie cutters as tracers to create our own paper cookies. Here’s one ‘cookie cutter art project’ you and your students will really enjoy.
- large colorful paper plates, one per person
- paper doilies, one per person
- manila paper, 9″x12″
- construction paper, light brown and dark brown, 9″x12″
- cookie cutters in simple shapes (star, heart, bell, gingerbread men)
- circle tracers (old lids)
- pencil
- construction paper crayons
- optional: metallic crayons
- glue stick
- scissors

Kindergarteners trace real cookie cutters onto brown paper, decorate with construction paper crayons, and glue onto a paper plate. Allow 60 minutes.
The Art Project
Pass out brown papers and a variety of cutters for each table. Students trace a cutter, then swap cutters with their neighbors. We were able to fit about five large ‘cookies’ on each sheet of paper.
Decorate with ‘frosting’ (color with construction paper crayons).
Now get the paper plate ready. Rub glue stick all over the front of the plate, place doily on glue and pat down. Cut out the cookies and use glue sick to attach them to the doily. Overlapping is fine.
We added a few final decorations with metallic crayons.
The project was inspired by this post from ARTASTIC!
Connections to literature:
Mr. Cookie Baker by Monica Wellington is a nice book to read as an intro to the project.
What’ll I do differently next time:
- Use embellishments (glitter, beads, yarn, etc.)
- Have a ‘cookie exchange’ so kids can swap with a friend
- Use a variety of colored paper plates and doilies
- Adjust the project for Valentine’s Day (heart cutters, red plate) or Mother’s Day.
P.S. Want to see more food-related projects for kindergarten? Check out these Common Core-aligned lesson plans from San Diego’s New Children’s Museum.

These are super cute!
Thanks Ali! The kinders had a great time making them.
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