Our sixth graders just finished a quick, highly engaging photography/drawing project.
This project was inspired by the work of Ecuadorian artist/art director Javier Perez , also known by the nickname ‘Cinta Scotch’. He uses found objects plus ink to create simple, witty illustrations which he shares with his followers on social media.
I gave each table copy paper, sharpies, and a bin containing a bunch of random objects (office supplies, pasta, some kitchen tools, corks and other odds and ends). They created these artworks, and photographed them with iPads. Each kid was able to create at least two during a single 40-minute class.
You can see Javier Perez’ body of work on Instagram or on his Facebook page.
After our sixth graders completed the project, I shared these photos with Mr. Perez via Facebook. He was pleased with the student work. Cool!

This looks like fun! What a great idea for one of those times when my class periods are shortened for an assembly or, heaven forbid, another two hour delay for snow or ice!
Charmaine recently posted..New blog…new address
Not sure where the “new blog” add on came from! Sorry about that, Rina!
Hi Charmaine
Congratulations on your class set of iPads! I think your students will love this project. Just be sure to get a wide selection of random objects for the illustration (almost all of ours feature pasta!)
Cool! you gonna print some out for your student show? Or have a projector screen sharing digital images?
don masse recently posted..T is for texture.
Hi Don. We are going to print some out. I may also set up a couple of iPads showing a looping slideshow. I will let you know in may!