One of the best sessions I attended at NAEA14 had to be Meranda Dawkins ‘Flipping the Art Classroom’. Not familiar with flipped classrooms? Essentially, the teacher creates a video lesson which is viewed by the students at home. The next day, students come to school and do the assignment.
Meranda creates her own instructional videos and does a ‘modified’ flipped art room: although she sends the lesson link home, she shows the videos at the beginning of class. After viewing, Meranda puts the video on mute and loops it during the rest of class.
This is great way to catch up a kid who was absent, or to help kids who don’t pay attention very well. It also benefits the art teacher who teaches the same lesson to multiple classes: you won’t leave anything out no matter how many classes you teach.

Slide from Meranda Dawkins NAEA14 session. Scan the QR code at lower right to see all of Meranda’s lessons on
The big eye-opener for me was Meranda’s use of Smore to organize and send out her lessons. is an online flyer design website. I thought Smores were just a way to put out cute classroom newsletters. Not true! Meranda embedded images of Degas, a vocabulary check list and two instructional videos in this Smore.
Have you ever flipped a lesson?

Thank you so much for sharing, you gave me the push I needed to use Smore with my fifth graders sketchbook assignments! So easy and so cool.
Leslie McReynolds recently posted..5th grade ceramics: Self portraits vs. Selfies
Hi Leslie
I am excited to try smore with my students as well. I shared Meranda Dawkins’ smores with my administration and tech department – they were very enthusiastic. So glad I attended the session.
Thanks for the info lady! Great catching up last night:)
don masse recently posted..narrative or no.
Hi Don
Great evening! Great to catch up and see colleagues.