I love sculpture! So do my students…
About me:
Hi! I’m Rina Vinetz. I teach visual and performing arts to 400 students in kindergarten-fifth grades at High Tech Elementary North County, located in San Marcos, California. This is my 17th year teaching art; it is my sixth year teaching at HTeNC.
Our school is part of the High Tech High charter schools. We are a project-based learning school with full arts integration in all classrooms. On K6art.com, you will find all sorts of arts lessons, including some lessons that incorporate math, science, literacy, music and theater.
Prior to this job, I taught traditional elementary art for 10 years in a traditional kindergarten-sixth grade public school. Before that…I was a stay-at-home mom. I started volunteering as an art docent at my son’s school. I liked sharing art with children so much that I decided to make it my new career. When my youngest entered kindergarten, I enrolled in school myself. I ultimately earned an art teaching credential.
Needless to say, I am a big fan of parent volunteers in the schools.
I love teaching art so much it doesn’t even feel like work (except for cleaning the sink – that definitely feels like work).
About the blog:
K-6 Art is your online source for elementary art lesson plans with something extra. I like to add video, PowerPoints, and helpful links to make your teaching easier. Whether you are a teacher or a parent, if you like to teach art to kids, there is something here for you.
You can reach me by email at Rina@k6art.com
Thanks for visiting. Hope to hear from you soon!
Follow K-6 Art on YouTube
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/k6art
Mahalo for sharing- Eve, artist and k-5 art teacher 🙂
Hi Eve
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a great school year!
Thanks for a great site!
Hi Glenn
Glad you like the site. More interesting projects coming up this school year. Thanks for stopping by!
Hi~ I happened upon your website and was also at the NAEA conference. I was blessed to take a car ride to see the field of Flowers in Carlsbad. WOW!!!! Were they gorgeous. I noticed your lesson and video but I can’t seem to play the video for some reason? I’d love to do this lesson at my school. I teach PK-5 in Florida. Can you help? Thanks so much SuzAnne
SuzAnne Devine Clark recently posted..Congratulations to the 14th Annual Kids of Character Award Winners
HI there1
I happened upon your web page. I love it. I would love to know more about your Kinder art centers. I struggle with my kinders. Do you ever let people observe your room? I would love to see how you work these. Thanks.
Wendy Van
Nice work with the mobiles! The wire ones with the built-in fulcrum are challenging! When I taught 7-12 art, we used bamboo skewers and carpet thread.
Great idea!
Is your Seurat Mural available for purchase. I would love to do this with my students.
Hello Sandy!
I updated the post with a new link. The price went up to $8 – a bargain for a great project.
I posted a link to your post, “The Magic Pear,” over on my blog, Art Sub Lessons. I hope that is okay. Jan https://artsublessons.blogspot.com/2019/12/kindergarten-art-sub-lesson.html“