Dale Chihuly is an American artist known for his fanciful, organic-shaped glass sculptures. Here is a group art project inspired by Chihuly’s ceiling installation at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Our project turned out so well I installed it on my art room ceiling!
- basket-type coffee filters, various sizes
- watercolor markers (such as Crayola)
- spray starch
- assorted plastic cups and bottles for drying
- newspaper or other table covering to protect drying surface
- tag board
- hole punch
- hot glue
The Art Project:
Students colored their coffee filters with Crayola markers. We did a quick review of the color wheel before coloring: students should select analogous colors, or use warm or cool color combinations. Avoid complementary color choices – the colors will muddy when sprayed.
Students DO NOT have to color every inch of the coffee filter! Leave some white space – the colors will run together when sprayed with starch.
Spray and Assemble:
Cover a table with newspaper. Set up old plastic tubs, bottles, etc. Invert coffee filter over the tubs and spray with spray starch. The colors will run and blend. Let dry over night.
Hot glue the flat bottoms of the dry coffee filters to a sheet of tag board. I punched holes around the edge of the tag board, and used T-pins to pin the artwork into my acoustic ceiling tiles.
(Guess what? My ‘Bellagio’ ceiling didn’t set off the motion sensor alarm. Hurray!)
This project was inspired by one of the many projects in the Chihuly unit from Nashville public schools.
More Chihuly Resources:
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis has an extensive virtual glassblowing interactive for kids.
Watch a variety of Chihuly videos on Yahoo Screen.
Check out my earlier post for a 30-minute group art chandelier.