If you want an easy art lesson or sub plan that kindergarteners will LOVE, try The Magic Pear.
The Magic Pear by Morgan Sweeney has 12 step-by-step drawing lessons, all beginning with the basic pear shape.
First of all, I cut a set of pear tracers. It took 20 minutes to make 30 tagboard tracers (tip: I was able to stack my tagboard and cut three pears at a time).
When the kindergarteners arrived, I gave each student a Magic Pear tracer, a piece of copy paper and a pencil.

Kindergarteners used the Magic Pear tracer for directed drawing, and as a basis for their own drawings.
We folded the copy paper. They traced the Magic Pear, then added features in a directed draw. Together we made a cat and a mouse. Then the students created their own art using the Magic Pear. The kindergarteners created a total four Magic Pear drawings, one on each page of their little books.
All ready to color with crayons!
You really don’t need the book to do this art lesson. Just make up some Magic Pear tracers and come up with your own drawing activity. Trust me, the kindergarteners will love it!